The Definitive Guide to Living in the Capital , Cairo , Egypt

D-CAF Festival: Nassibian Orchestra, Dijit & Maurice Louca at Radio Theatre

D-CAF Festival: Nassibian Orchestra, Dijit & Maurice Louca at Radio Theatre

As part of the Downtown Contemporary Arts Festival, Radio Theatre hosts Nassibian Orchestra, Dijit and Maurice Louca. The Nassibian Orchestra embodies our understanding of acoustics and disassembles it to create a unique soundscape. Dijit’s performance is about noise and only noise, it lacks acquired aesthetics and
taste and is as rough and immature as the community we live in. Maurice Louca co-founded and is a member of the band Bikya. Tickets are 30LE.

from 07-Apr
to 08-Apr

Radio Theatre

24 Talaat Harb St. - Downtown