The Definitive Guide to Living in the Capital , Cairo , Egypt

Fabrica’s Classical Music Recital in Blue Lotus Gallery @ NWT

Fabrica’s Classical Music Recital in Blue Lotus Gallery @ NWT

Get ready to start the fall season with an artistic feast at the Blue Lotus Gallery listening to Fabrica’s magical tunes while having an eye bliss with all the paintings surrounding you! 

The event will be featuring; Nardine Reda, Farida Tamer, Adel Badawy, George Gamal and on the piano Mina N. Hanna under the musical leadership of Dr. Neveen Allouba.

The entrance fee of the day cost 200 LE. For further information check all the details of the event on their Facebook page

from 02-Sep
to 02-Sep

NWT Creative Space

Villa 19, Road 12 - Maadi

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