The Definitive Guide to Living in the Capital , Cairo , Egypt

Festival des jeunes créateurs: ‘No Exit’ at Institut Francais d’Égypte au Caire

Festival des jeunes créateurs: ‘No Exit’ at Institut Francais d’Égypte au Caire

To mark the opening night of Festival des jeunes créateurs at the French Institute, The Teatro Independent Theatre Company invite you to their newest production ‘No Exit’ or ‘Hui Clos’. Director Omar El-Moutaz Bel’lah has rejuvenated the original play by Jean-Paul Sartre from 1944. Entrance is free.

from 10-Feb
to 10-Feb

Institut Francais d'Égypte au Caire

1 Madrasset El Huquq El Frenseya - Mounira