The Definitive Guide to Living in the Capital , Cairo , Egypt

‘Les chansons d’amour’ Screening at Institut Francais d’Égypte à Héliopolis

‘Les chansons d’amour’ Screening at Institut Francais d’Égypte à Héliopolis

2007 film, ‘Les chansons d’amour’ (Love Songs) is more than just a romance and has been by critics for the tact with which is approaches subjects such as death, jealousy and sex – all in a youthful and musical Parisian setting. French with English subtitles. Attendance is free.


from 04-Jun
to 04-Jun

Institut Francais d'Égypte à Héliopolis

5 Shafik El Deeb St. Off Shams El Din El Zahaby St. Ard El Golf - Heliopolis