The Definitive Guide to Living in the Capital , Cairo , Egypt

‘Minerals, Metals, Insects and Plants: The Story of the Colours Used to Paint manuscripts by the Mamluks, North Africans and Andalusians’ Lecture at NVIC

‘Minerals, Metals, Insects and Plants: The Story of the Colours Used to Paint manuscripts by the Mamluks, North Africans and Andalusians’ Lecture at NVIC

Freelance book conservator and collection consultant, Cheryl Porter, will speak about the colours used by artists in Egypt, North Africa and Spain, explaining their origin, production and methods of application to the page. A slide show with images of manuscripts will be shown along with a selection of Ancient tools that were used to fashion books. For more information, call 02-27382522. 

from 13-Mar
to 13-Mar

Netherlands-Flemish Institute

1 Dr. Mahmoud Azmi St. - Zamalek