The Definitive Guide to Living in the Capital , Cairo , Egypt

NAR & OLMO at ROOM Art Space

NAR & OLMO at ROOM Art Space

ROOM Art Spaced starts its weekend night off with NAR; a neo-folk quintet from Cairo dedicated to traditional music of the Orient and the Mediterranean. The new program adds Gypsy, Hindi and Flamenco touches to a selection of folk songs and dances performed by the quintet. In the last experimental part of the concert, OLMO will join the band with electronic beats and samples as well as psychedelic images and impressions of Cairo filmed by Philip Zadorozhny. Tickets are 50LE. For more information, call 0100 068 1539.

from 08-Sep
to 08-Sep

ROOM Art Space Garden City

10 Etihad El Mohamin St. - Garden City