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The Starving Games

The Starving Games: Awful, Awful, Awful

  • Brant DaughertyCody Christian...
  • Comedy
  • Jason Friedberg
reviewed by
Marija Loncarevic
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The Starving Games: Awful, Awful, Awful

Those familiar with the Razzie winning duo, Jason Friedberg and Aaron Seltzer, won’t be surprised to find their sixth directorial effort – a messy spoof of The Hunger Games – is just as awful as their previous efforts.

Set in a futuristic, dystopian world, where the country sits divided into twelve starving districts, the story follows Kantmiss Evershot (Walsh); a brave eighteen-year-old girl who has just volunteered take the place of her younger sister, Petunia (Hermansen) in the annual kill-or-be-killed, Starving Games.

Joining her on the stage is Peter Malarkey (Christian); a fellow District 12 volunteer and son of a baker, who has decided to use the opportunity to get close to Kantmiss, without realising the deadly consequences of his decision.

As the games begin, Kantmiss soon finds herself in the spotlight, when she begins outwitting and outsmarting her opponents; a strategy which doesn’t sit all too well with the games blood-thirsty organiser, President Snowballs (Bader).

Determined to win and get her hands on that special prize – a gift voucher for Subway and a partially eaten pickle – Kantmiss teams up with Peter and together they try to override bring down the system, all the while findng themselves in an increasingly romantic attachment, much to the dismay of Kantmiss’ boyfriend, Dale (Daughtrey).

This devastatingly poor excuse of a film is even worse than it sounds and ends up feeling like a chaotic compilation of outdated jokes and references, going all the way back the days of Titanic. Alongside this, apart from tearing up the premise of The Hunger Games, the script also takes endless stabs at other Hollywood blockbusters including James Cameron’s Avatar, and popular video games such as Birds and Fruit Ninja.

Surprisingly, twenty-six year old Walsh, who steps into the shoes of Jennifer Lawrence as District 12’s darling, is probably the only cast member worth mentioning, just about managing to hold her own despite the horrific task at hand.

These spoof films have somehow come to find a niche in Hollywood – think Scary Movie – relying on the toilet-humour loving American Pie generation. But even the staunchest fans of this very particular type of comedy will find it difficult to see any good in The Starving Games.

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360 Tip

Maybe they will have better luck with Superfast; a spoof of the Fast and Furious film series which is due to hit the screens in June 2014.

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