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Egyptian Meals that Keep your Heart and Sole Warm

Egyptian Cuisine Egyptian Meals Hamam Koshari Lentil Soup Mahshi Molokhia Nostalgia winter
Egyptian Meals that Keep your Heart and Sole Warm
written by
Nada Wahba

Let’s be honest, Egyptians are known for many things, but food is at the forefront of all. Egyptian food is irresistible, sometimes fatty? Yes, worth the calories? You bet! It is also nostalgic to our childhood, how we grew up eating certain Egyptian dishes also hit different, even if we’ve been eating the same dish for over 20 years. Egyptian cuisine is very complex, yet simple at the same time. The use of humble, easy to find ingredients and spices to make a sophisticated dish that is bursting with flavour is a talent that Egyptians have. It is also a way to express love, especially from the older generations like your parents and your grandparents. Whether you’re sick or you’re celebrating something, Egyptians show their appreciation through food. Since the weather has been getting colder by the day, we have put together a list of iconic Egyptian dishes that never fail to keep us warm, emotionally and, of course, physically.  

Lentil Soup 

Every Egyptian mom’s favourite remedy for the piercing cold weather, lentil soup became an Egyptian staple for the winter that quickly gives you warmth and a long nap afterwards. Made with many types of lentils and vegetables, blended together and topped with olive oil sauteed garlic, lentil soup is a hearty dish that can be its own lunch. Egyptians usually have it with pita bread, or orzo, or fried Egyptian noodles that are then cooked in the soup. It is also pretty straightforward to make at home if you’re living alone, it’s a win-win!


We can’t mention Egyptian food without the star of the entire function, Molokhia! If you’re one of the unfortunate people who don’t like molokhia, we’re sorry. To be fair, you either hate molokhia, or are completely in love with it and can’t get enough, we’d like to think that there’s not in between. It is an extremely hearty dish, served super hot, which is perfect for this weather. You can have it with either white rice, or bread, or if you’re feeling adventurous, both. It is also eaten with whatever kind of meat you like, usually chicken. 


Another Egyptian must-have that is considered fast food, or more accurately, a convenient bite on the go, Koshari is eaten whether we’re in winter or summer. But, imagine this, it is an extremely cold evening, the sun is going down, your stomach is rumbling and you’re shivering. You get yourself a hot meal of koshari and pour the acidic tomato sauce that warms up the entire plate over it, along with the many other condiments that come with it, and you see the steam coming out of your spoon as you take your first bite. A dream, isn’t it? 


Mashi, in all its different shapes and forms, can’t be skipped out on especially in winter. While the process of making them from scratch is quite arduous and tiring, the end process is absolutely worth it. Whether it’s vine leaves, stuffed cabbage rolls or stuffed vegetables, mahshi can definitely keep you warm and full for hours. Besides, doesn’t it remind you of your grandma? 


While the concept of eating pigeons is a bit bizarre and, frankly, horrifying, the irresistible Egyptian dish comes at the top of the list of foods you can enjoy the most during winter. Whether you prefer it fried or baked, with rice or farik, hamam is a decadent Egyptian dish that can easily keep you warm on a cold winter day. 
