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Arts & Culture

Underrated Egyptian Talents: 5 Artists Whose Work You Need to See

Contemporary Art Egyptian Artists Modern Art Talent
Underrated Egyptian Talents: 5 Artists Whose Work You Need to See
written by
Christina John
Artwork by Aly El Beblawy

In today’s world, so many great talents go unnoticed because of the fast pace of life and artistic production. It seems as though only the lucky ones, as well as those who know how to take advantage of social media algorithms, are the ones who get the attention. Because of this, there’s an immense gap in recognition, where so many artists who deserve the most recognition only get a fraction of what they truly deserve. In this article, we’ll be sharing some remarkably skilled Egyptian visual artists who have yet to receive the acclaim they truly deserve.


Aly El Beblawy


Aly El Beblawy’s artwork serves as a portal to a serene and fantastical dimension, where colours meld in harmony and characters come to life with an endearing charm. His self-portraits evoke a dreamlike realm where humans and animals coexist in a utopian harmony. His work never fails to give us a sense of nostalgia and wonder. Beblawy’s profound ability to seamlessly blend the ethereal with the relatable in his art showcases a mastery of emotion and imagination that resonates deeply. You can ask for commission work that will make you part of his heartwarming creations. 

Visit his Instagram page by clicking here. 


Yasmin Elewa

Yasmin Elewa, the creator of “Soul Codes,” offers a distinct perspective on the art world. She presents her unique take on psychedelic aesthetics in digital and canvas format. Transforming her mesmerising creations into wearable art, she turns her eccentric designs into captivating t-shirts. Yasmin’s work gives off an exciting vibe, making her art the perfect choice for those seeking to stand out at raves and parties. Her artwork has a cool and lively feeling that captures the joy of expressing yourself, as it is the main goal of all her pieces. 

Visit her Instagram page by clicking here. 


Ehab Ehab

Ehab Ehab is the third one on our list, and his work as a visual artist takes concepts and finds expressions for them through a diverse array of abstract paintings. Engaging with Ehab’s creations triggers a thought-provoking journey, as his masterpieces prompt our minds to start thinking about life. Ehab’s art is a medium for addressing political themes and shedding light on pressing social issues, showcasing his commitment to utilising his talent for greater purposes. Despite his young age and the fact that he only recently graduated, Ehab has already demonstrated a remarkable ability to infuse his art with a unique perspective, using it as a way for positive change and societal awareness.

Visit his Instagram page by clicking here. 


Mohamed Nasser

With a growing following of 33K on Instagram, Mohamed Nasser’s work stands out as deserving of far more recognition. He uses digital tools and digital art as a means to explore everyday issues and struggles that resonate deeply within all of us. Nasser’s art presents relatable challenges through digital comics that are highly engaging, thanks to the playful characters he incorporates into his pieces. Through his work, Nasser transforms important messages into light comics that carry deeper, thought-provoking messages. 

Visit his Instagram page by clicking here.


Marwan Abbas

In a world where pixels are the building blocks of his artistry, Marwan Abbas showcases an unparalleled level of detail that is truly mind-blowing. Each creation on his page emerges from tiny pixels, an intricate process that involves hours of precise work and preplanning. The sheer dedication behind his digital masterpieces is evident in the remarkable level of detail he achieves. Abbas’s work screams nostalgia as his style of art brings back memories of classic video games that we once spent hours playing as kids. Through his art, he bridges the gap between past and present, inviting everyone to enjoy.

Visit his Instagram page by clicking here. 

