The Definitive Guide to Living in the Capital , Cairo , Egypt

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Cairo Gossip: the Capital’s High Society Website Gets a New Look

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Cairo Gossip: the Capital’s High Society Website Gets a New Look
written by
Mohamed Raafat

Egypt’s capital is one of the busiest in the world. There is always something to talk about, whether it’s celebrity news and feuds or restaurants, bars, and other hotspots. However, in the middle of all the chaos, there is only one place that you can rely on to be up to date with everything happening in the capital, Cairo Gossip.

Cairo Gossip is a platform that was launched in 2009, and was recently revamped, with the sole purpose of unveiling all of Cairo’s secrets, from the tiniest to the greatest. They go down the rabbit hole to get you all the spicy gossip you won’t just stumble across in the street.

The platform consists of three parts: A website, an Instagram page, and a Facebook page, and functions in a really simple way: the crew notices that something is buzzing, they do their research to get to the bottom of it, and then formulate it in a nice way that appeals to the general public.

Cairo Gossip covers everything that happens in the movies & music industry, nightlife, restaurants, and bars while being known for a single characteristic: Integrity.

Head to or visit their Instagram or Facebook.
