The Definitive Guide to Living in the Capital , Cairo , Egypt

City Life

Happy Birthday to Ski Egypt’s Leading Penguin, Sultan!

city life Majid Al Futtaim Mall of Egypt Penguin Ski Egypt Sultan
Happy Birthday to Ski Egypt’s Leading Penguin, Sultan!
written by
Mariam Nowar

Three years ago, Ski Egypt made our dreams come true when it received ten penguins from a Japanese preservation centre, rescuing them from global warming and giving them an icy new home in the Mall of Egypt. Although it never snows here, Ski Egypt turned the temperature all the way down in its isolated section, where it’s freezing cold, and you can make friends with a friendly pack of penguins. There, you can also pursue your fantasies of skiing without ever stepping on an aeroplane.

The leader of the pack is called Sultan, and he’s getting ready for his 8th birthday. The name “Sultan” translates to “king”, and he’s the oldest male penguin in the pack that’s made up of two species; Gentoos and Chinstraps. If you visit him at his home, you’ll find that he is always right at the front of the pack and that he has a radiating, adventurous spirit.

We don’t know if Sultan would prefer a birthday cake made of krill or squid, but either way, Sultan and his friends will be more than ready for the occasion, donning their natural tuxedos in style.

Did you know that penguins are actually covered in feathers? They don’t fly though, but their tiny feet allow them to walk long distances – all while looking super cute!

Ski Egypt will be igniting its annual celebrations of winter, so stay tuned to its social platform to find out the exciting activities in store. We wish Sultan a very happy birthday, and you can follow him (yes, the penguin) on his Instagram page here. He’s really active and carries quite the sense of humour.
