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Keep Calm and Work from Home: 5 Quick Tips to Get You Through the Day

Keep Calm and Work from Home: 5 Quick Tips to Get You Through the Day
written by
Dina Mokhtar

Featured image via

Working from home is not for everyone, but in the times of Coronavirus, there’s no other choice for many of us. It’s depressing, indeed; nothing beats the lively environment of your workplace to motivate you to get the job done.

Since we are all trying to get accustomed to getting things done remotely, we’ll share with you five simple tips to keep you focused.


Draw a Line Between the Personal and Professional:

You don’t have to go shopping for a desk at IKEA, yet you need to create a workspace that will keep you away from the simple distractions and temptations of working from your home while maintaining a level of comfort. And no, neither your bed nor your living room couch is a desk. These two are made for relaxation and entertainment.


Stick to Your  Normal Working Hours:

Just because you’re working from home, doesn’t mean reshaping your working hours. It’s tempting, especially if your job doesn’t demand working with a team or contacting clients. However, you need to understand that, one day, hopefully soon, you will have to go back to your regular office life, so why go through the hassle of readjusting your routine all over again.


But Don’t Get Over Consumed and Take a Break:

Getting work done without giving yourself a break might be just as tempting as frequently checking what’s on TV, or what’s in the fridge. Take short breaks away from your desk, and don’t forget to stretch every now and then.


Boost Your Mood:

Now that you have your workplace ready, you are free to add your own touch without worrying about bothering your co-workers; play your favourite music, or light a scented candle. For us, not having to wear headphones is one of the perks of working from home.


Used to Working Outdoors? Bring the Noises Inside:

Those who are already used to working remotely will also find it a little uncomfortable to stay at home all the time, especially if they’re used to getting the job done from a nearby café, or outdoors. Now that social distancing is being recommended, there are several applications and websites that give the ambience you are used to, including A Soft Murmer, Rainy Mood, and of course, YouTube.

