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Seif El-Din Mahmoud’s Safe Talks Will Elevate Your Mindset

COVID-19 employment feature Podcast Safe Talks Seif El-Din Mahmoud
Seif El-Din Mahmoud’s Safe Talks Will Elevate Your Mindset
written by
Mariam Nowar

Seif El-Din Mahmoud, the creator of Safe Talks Podcast, is a college student who devotes his time to helping people find jobs, creating conversations about wellness, and sharing authentic stories to inspire people overcome struggles with their mindsets.

Mahmoud, 24, whose podcasts also include interviews with various influential individuals, like actress Tara Emad, yoga guru Tahra Ismail, reaches out to people on his LinkedIn page to directly help them find jobs. His efforts are highly appreciated and applauded – especially during the tough times that the COVID-19 pandemic has caused.



“I had hit rock bottom,” he shared with Cairo 360 about the initial reason why he started his noble initiative. “I stumbled on Gary Vaynerchuk’s content that discusses everything, from social media to marketing, among other topics,” then he started applying the Belarusian-American entrepreneur’s ideologies onto his own life. He simply stopped complaining, and started looking for ways with which he can, not only support himself, but also support others too.


He had a vision when he started interviewing people on his podcast; experimenting the idea that all of them had something in common – and he was right. Successful people emitted positive perspectives, and they did not let any obstacles startle their spirits. They all shared similar values that propelled them forward on both professional and personal levels.

Mahmoud’s active content on social media eventually landed him a job with Logical Applications for Business Solutions – LABS, earning him a huge interaction on his platforms from people who acknowledge his guidance on their paths. At one point, he messaged every single follower he had on his LinkedIn, and asked them how he can add value to their journeys, and the main concern that they all shared was that they were unable to land stable jobs.


So, he started posting content about how LinkedIn users can fill out their bios and add more content to their profiles in order to grab the attention of employers. He didn’t stop there, but he also announced the beginning of his livestream shows on his Facebook page, which will be featuring all sorts of inspirational people that will share their experiences in hopes of helping viewers find success.


Tune in to his first livestream featuring MENA Sales Director, Ahmed Bahgat Farrag this Friday at 2:00 PM.

If you’re looking for motivational tips on how to lead a healthier state of mind, follow Seif El-Din Mahmoud on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and listen to his podcast.
