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Weekend Guide: Honouring Palestinian Heritage This Weekend

Weekend Guide: Honouring Palestinian Heritage This Weekend
written by
Cairo 360
Image via The Ohio State University

In light of the recent events in Gaza and Palestine, we would like to dedicate this week’s Weekend Guide to the cause. We understand that many among you look forward to our weekly roundup of events happening throughout the weekend, but considering the dire situation, as well as our president’s declaration of national mourning for the victims of the attacks, we invite you all to take this weekend to cherish our Palestinian brothers and sisters and honour their heritage and history and share their 75-year-old suffering. Below, we will share ways to celebrate Palestine, whether on your own or with your friends and family. May there come a day when Palestinians have no longer to mourn their loved ones.


Have a Palestinian Lunch

One of the few things that truly unite us all is food. We need it to survive, and good food is good food. Palestinian cuisine is absolutely delectable, as many of us already know, and while we may, as Egyptians, share many dishes with our next-door neighbours, such as hummus and kofta, what makes dishes distinctively Palestinian is the way in which they’re made. Check out our article for Palestinian-owned restaurant recommendations for an absolute treat. Gather around the table with your loved ones and enjoy a delectable dinner with a dash of resistance to occupation.


Explore Palestinian Art

As Egyptians, we’re all hyper-aware of the richness of our country’s contemporary art scene. However, while it is important to celebrate local artists, we need to be equally aware and supportive of our neighbours’ artistic genius and the uniqueness of their expression. Some of the most incredible and beautiful art (visual or otherwise) have been produced under the most dire of situations. Palestinians have used art as a means to resist occupation for decades, and we would love to direct you to these contemporary Palestinian artists to appreciate.


Watch a Palestinian Film

Palestine has a rich cinematic heritage. Arguably, some of the best Arab films ever produced have been Palestinian productions, be they documentaries or feature films. Luckily, Palestinian films can be easily accessed, with a huge selection on Netflix and other platforms. Check out this article for recommendations on documentaries portraying the Palestinian experience and the country’s history.


Read Palestinian authors

From Mahmoud Darwish to Ghassan Kanafani, Edward Saïd, and many others, Egyptians are no strangers to the magnificence of Palestinian literature, be it fiction, poetry, or academic writing. Palestinian authors are widely reputed in our region and the world, and reading their work is among the ways to truly appreciate their contributions. Read this article for some incredible recommendations.


Make a Donation

In times when we feel completely helpless, always remember that there are people out there actively going out of their way to help others and send humanitarian aid – and they need your contributions! This is not a time to be fatalistic; it’s a time to act – whether that be through volunteering or donating to the organisations helping to make the world a bit less ugly. Here’s a detailed article about where and how to contribute to the cause.


Finally, we know that tragedy has been dominating our every thought recently. It has been draining and painful to watch it all unfold, and sometimes, all we need is a little pick-me-up by going out. So, if you want to know more about events happening around Cairo this weekend, click this link.
