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6 Reasons tortina is Totally Winning the Ramadan Dessert Game This Year

6 Reasons tortina is Totally Winning the Ramadan Dessert Game This Year
written by
Cairo 360

The race to produce the most creative and innovative Ramadan dessert of the year has, for better or for worse, become part of the fabric of Ramadan in Egypt. While it might be too early to crown a winner for 2016 – there are plenty of desserts to eat – one name is already leading the pack: tortina.

With plenty of competition, creating something truly unique is becoming more and more difficult, but as a whole package and offering both the traditional and non-traditional, the seven year-old tortina’s Ramadan offerings are the talk of the town – and here’s why…

1. They’ve Enlisted the Help of a Clan of Elves…

This year, tortina has teamed up with Egyptian app and delivery service, Elves, allowing the most sweet-toothed among us to dive headfirst into the chain’s Ramadan dessert options without ever leaving their home.

2. They Launched their SPOT Delivery Service…

If elves aren’t your thing – they’re kind of scary, it’s understandable – tortina’s new SPOT Delivery service allows you to order your dessert ahead of time and pick it up from a staff member who’ll be waiting outside with your dessert and change. Nice.

3. They’ve Teamed-Up with Ahl Masr…

It’s not all about gluttony and gorging this year; tortina will be donated 10% of sales to local charity, Ahl Masr, as part of their Ramadan initiative.

4. Their Konafa Game is off the Charts…

Konafa –a simple food, yes, but also a grand canvas on which the tortina chefs have painted several masterpieces, including tiramisu konafa, Alaska konafa cake and Mont Blanc konafa bowl, to name but a few.

5. No Seriosuly, Their Konafa Game is on Another Level…

From the big, to the small, tortina’s Konafa Soiree selections are just adorable – look at them.


With over 20 different Ramadan dessert options on offer, no one has quite taken on the task of fusing the Oriental and the Western with as much panache. If you start today, you’d just about have enough days left to try one thing each day – challenge accepted?

For more information on tortina this Ramadan, click here.
