The Definitive Guide to Living in the Capital , Cairo , Egypt


Win! Dinner for Two at Osmanly!

Win! Dinner for Two at Osmanly!
written by
Cairo 360

While some celebrate the end of Ramadan in Cairo, we mourn it – we just like Ramadan buffets way too much. To soften the blow, Cairo 360 has teamed up with the Kempinski Nile Hotel in Garden City to give away a prize that will have every foodie in Cairo frothing at the mouth.

 The good people at the Kempinski Nile are giving away dinner for two at Turkish restaurant, Osmanly!

Where? Located on the mezzanine of the Kempinski, Osmanly is one of the most celebrated restaurants on the pages of Cairo 360.

Why? Because having consistently scored high marks, Osmanly has gone and done that very alien thing of being consistent.

How do I get my hands on it? It’s easy! Just answer this simple question: What peculiar ice cream did our reviewer have during Cairo 360’s last visit of Osmanly? (Psst, the answer is in here.)

Now what? Send your answers to, including your full name and contact details with ‘Osmanly Competition’ in the subject line. The competition ends at midnight on Monday 5th of Spetember 2013; so hurry up and send your answers in! Terms and Conditions apply.
