The Definitive Guide to Living in the Capital , Cairo , Egypt

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Ministry of Tourism Collaborates with Worldwide Travel Bloggers ‎

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Ministry of Tourism Collaborates with Worldwide Travel Bloggers ‎
written by
Kareem Sheta

Featured image courtesy of


In a recent study by 99firms, an organization that helps find the perfect online marketing agency for your business through meticulous analysis, statistics showed that there are over 500 million blogs, which cover a quarter of all websites on the internet, where a new post is published every 0.5 seconds and 77% of internet users read blogs regularly.

So it wasn’t a surprise that Al-Masry Al-Youm stated yesterday that the Tourism Ministry is collaborating with a younger generation of Egyptians to promote the industry. The last collaboration included Beautiful Destinations, who toured across the nation last April, to create People to People, a project that celebrates the beauty of Egypt:

Day by day, our tourism is making its way back to its glorified status before 2011. Something tells us that we will regain that image very soon, if not a better and higher quality version of it. All is possible with the sector’s constant efforts to resort to the most effective and modern tools for maximum impact.
