Pizza is always fun to eat. And
as if the traditional round shape of pizza wasn’t enough to have us worried
about out waistlines; you can now eat cone-shaped pizzas in Cairo too. If you’re a
pizza junkie, it might be time to consider renewing your gym subscription. On
the plus side, you no longer have to wrestle with a dripping pizza slice.
Located on the first floor of
Citystars’ Phase 2, Pizza Conez’ stand offers a new variation for pizza fans, who might be the entire human population. Instead of the traditional
disc-shaped pizza, the dough is shaped like an ice cream cone with your
favourite combination of fillings inside.
For starters, we ordered onion
rings (9LE). Although we would have liked mozzarella sticks (12LE) – spelled motzarilla
sticks on the menu – the employer at Pizza Conez said that there weren’t any
available. The onion rings were packed in the same cone-shaped dough. We ended
up eating the onion rings and throwing away the dough a little guiltily.
Moving on to the pizza, we
weren’t exactly spoiled for choice. Starting at 11LE, the pizza cones come with a choice of meat, chicken, seafood and cheese as well as
veggie fillings. We assumed that we could
choose our own combination of fillings; but we were disappointed to find the fillings already predetermined on the menu.
Most of the pizza cones are only
available in the grand size; very few items on the menu are available in regular
sizes. We opted for the grand turkey and chicken fillings (15LE). We expected
grand sizes to mean especially gigantic pizza cones that would leave us
satisfied and stuffed. Unfortunately, the grand sizes are not grand at all. The
cones were disappointingly small; we guess that regular pizza cones are made
for kids.
The cones are pre-prepared,
stored frozen and microwaved upon order. If we hadn’t been observing the employer
closely, we would have never suspected that the cones weren’t freshly prepared.
As for dessert, there are only
three options on the menu. You can choose from vanilla, strawberry and chocolate
fillings (9LE); so we opted for the chocolate. The texture of the chocolate
resembled pudding, only it was served hot. What made it even more delicious was
the caramel syrup added to it.
The highlight of our meal was
that we managed to order three cones all for less than 30LE. And although an indivual cone may not be enough to fill your stomach, the three combined managed
to leave us more than satisfied.