59, Shehab Street
11AM-11:30PM -
Anne de Groot

It is no
secret that Cairo is home to many conspicuous lingerie shops selling some of the
most ridiculous lingerie mankind has ever seen; and it is quite difficult to
believe that this stuff gets sold because that means people actually wear
it and might get turned on by it. Saxone is one such shop, located next to
McDonalds on Shehab Street in Mohandiseen.
two-storey shop has a pretty innocent-looking first floor. The racks display pyjama
sets (140LE) with cute Minnie Mouse or Hello Kitty prints. You might like the
galabeya-style nightgowns for 120LE. There are various robes in only the
sweetest of pastel tints (120LE) and strangely enough there are some
Chinese dresses as well (150LE), which you can combine with a kimono (150LE).
Apart from that you can buy some towel sets for 45LE. All in all, the shop
seems pretty innocuous.
is a little less innocent with the kinkiest of lingerie out on display. Most of
the sets cost between 100LE and 150LE, and include baby doll-like tops that come with some
sort of thong in a set. Design-wise Saxone has quite a creative collection. If your
husband/boyfriend always thought of himself as Captain Jack Sparrow then why not
dress up in a girl pirate suit with skulls strategically placed on certain body
You could also opt for something more exciting and complicated such as a
zipper dress that looks something like this. It might itch a bit though, which is all the more reason to take it off
very quickly. If you are more the shy retiring type, there is an extensive
collection of schoolgirl outfits that look a little something like this.
about 100LE you can freshen up your collection of stockings in various designs,
most of which are hold-ups in different colours and with different prints such
as polka dots or hearts. There are also open crotch body suits starting from
100LE in case you really want to spice things up.
staff at Saxone are friendly and – contrary to many lingerie shops in Cairo –
all the employees were female, at least at the time of this reviewer’s visit.
The collection is pretty large and also most items are available in multiple
sizes; so Saxone has something for everyone.